Aside from business operations, Thai Wah recognizes the importance of building sustainable relations with the community. With our sustainable responsibility and respect to society and environment, the Company’s plant management system has been set to avoid environmental impact, for example, the use of clean energy (solar energy to minimize carbon emission), efficient water and wastewater treatment system, and biogas system which is the source for our alternative energy. The Company also commits to enhance our role in promoting long-term community development through developing innovations that encourage the sustainability community and providing support for education, funds, and local community development.

Download Green Factory and Community

Recognizing the significance of occupational health and safety, both for the employees and in the production process, the Company strives to ensure that our employees and business partners perform their duty at full capacity in a safe and pleasant work environment and occupational health. We have strictly complied with all applicable laws, and national and international standards, as well as our related regulations and policy, in a bid to avoid risks associated with the working environment as well as occupational health and safety. The Company also sets a role model and promotes awareness on corporate social responsibility as well as encourages personnel to be satisfied in the long-term.

Energy Usage Efficiency throughout the Production Process

The Company has established guidelines for assessment and operational development throughout the value chain, from the plant management system to avoid environmental impact, to the utilization of limited resources for maximum benefits. We also cooperate with organizations at the national level to use solar energy to reduce carbon emission and enhance the efficiency of water and wastewater management systems and biogas renewable energy systems. This is for the industry to grow together with the society sustainably.

Social and Community Development

Community Biogas
Plants With our great concern over healthiness and safety of the community people, Thai Wah has constructed a 6-cubic-meter community biogas plant at Ban Nong Lord School, Chiang Yeun sub-district, Muang district, Udon Thani province. The construction of biogas plant is part of the ‘Save the World’ effort and is aimed to encourage students and villagers to recycle wastes for their benefits through utilizing food wastes for biogas production. The project also promotes a pollution-free community and environment protection and save the villagers the cost for fresh waste disposal and long-term household expenses. The Company commenced the project with a meeting with community members on August 4, 2020 to brief them on waste segregation and recycle of food waste as composable waste, which could be digested and yield methane gas for household use. This way, school and community members could save their household use of LPG to only 2 cylinders per year, or 4,000 baht per year (calculated at 400 baht per cylinder), from originally 1 cylinder per month. The Company also plans to expand the project to cover 2 households per year, as a result of which Ban Nong Lord community will accumulatively save the total of 8,000 baht each year.
Online English Language Learning Program
Thai Wah, with the collaboration of leading English language schools accredited by Ministry of Education, has launched an English language learning program via an application installed in the tablets of the elementary students (Grade 1 to 6). The program features 4 hours of English language class per week to develop listening, spoken, reading, and writing skills. Technologies have been adopted to enable interaction between native language teachers and the students. In 2019, 40 students who have participated in the program.
Mushroom Cultivation Program for Community Schools
The Company commits to develop and improve the livelihood of surrounding communities. Our mushroom cultivation program encourages community schools to use soil debris and cassava shells, which are wastes from our manufacturing process, to grow mushrooms. This is to generate incomes in the community, and for the students to be enriched with occupational skills. Thai Wah provides financial support for training, the supply of raw materials, and building of mushroom houses. Schools can also use mushrooms as ingredients for student lunch and can sell it to the community at low prices all year round. The students will also learn to be diligent and to help out their families from the revenues earned through this program. The Company has established 2 learning centers for straw mushroom cultivation at Khok Sa-ard-Sri Burapha School, Khok Sa-ard sub-district, Muang district, Udon Thani province, and at the house of the head of Ban Na Somboon village volunteers. In 2020, there were a total of 8 households participating in the program, same as the previous year due to the pandemic crisis.

Carbon Footprint from Operation (CFO)

The Company was chosen as pilot organization for the “Extension of Carbon Footprint for Organizations” project, run by Water and Environment Institute for Sustainability, the Federation of Thai Industries. The aim is to reduce GHG emissions in the organization’s various activities, and identify goals and GHG reduction approaches, as well as measurement of GHG emissions, e.g., fuel combustion, electrical usage, waste management, transportation, etc. In 2021, Thai Wah’s tapioca starch plant in Udon Thani province, and vermicelli plant in Nakhon Pathom province have been chosen as pilot plants under the project. Studies and data collection is now in the process. It is expected that the Company be able to calculate, disclose our carbon footprint-related data, and certify in the GHG emission verification by September 2021.